The Dawn of In Vivo Gene Editing Era: A Revolution in the Making


Niazi Sarfaraz K.1ORCID


1. College of Pharmacy, University of Illinois, Chicago, IL 60612, USA


Gene or genome editing (GE) revises, removes, or replaces a mutated gene at the DNA level; it is a tool. Gene therapy (GT) offsets mutations by introducing a “normal” version of the gene into the body while the diseased gene remains in the genome; it is a medicine. So far, no in vivo GE product has been approved, as opposed to 22 GT products approved by the FDA, and many more are under development. No GE product has been approved globally; however, critical regulatory agencies are encouraging their entry, as evidenced by the FDA issuing a guideline specific to GE products. The potential of GE in treating diseases far supersedes any other modality conceived in history. Still, it also presents unparalleled risks—from off-target impact, delivery consistency and long-term effects of gene-fixing leading to designer babies and species transformation that will keep the bar high for the approval of these products. These challenges will come to the light of resolution only after the FDA begins approving them and opening the door to a revolution in treating hundreds of untreatable diseases that will be tantamount to a revolution in the making. This article brings a perspective and a future analysis of GE to educate and motivate developers to expand GE products to fulfill the needs of patients.




General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science

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3. National Research Council (US) Board on Agriculture (2022, July 10). Genetic Engineering of Plants: Agricultural Research Opportunities and Policy Concerns, Available online:

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1. Gene Editing: The Regulatory Perspective;Encyclopedia;2023-10-26







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