Pathophysiological Aspects of Alcohol Metabolism in the Liver


Hyun JeongeunORCID,Han Jinsol,Lee Chanbin,Yoon Myunghee,Jung Youngmi


Alcoholic liver disease (ALD) is a globally prevalent chronic liver disease caused by chronic or binge consumption of alcohol. The liver is the major organ that metabolizes alcohol; therefore, it is particularly sensitive to alcohol intake. Metabolites and byproducts generated during alcohol metabolism cause liver damage, leading to ALD via several mechanisms, such as impairing lipid metabolism, intensifying inflammatory reactions, and inducing fibrosis. Despite the severity of ALD, the development of novel treatments has been hampered by the lack of animal models that fully mimic human ALD. To overcome the current limitations of ALD studies and therapy development, it is necessary to understand the molecular mechanisms underlying alcohol-induced liver injury. Hence, to provide insights into the progression of ALD, this review examines previous studies conducted on alcohol metabolism in the liver. There is a particular focus on the occurrence of ALD caused by hepatotoxicity originating from alcohol metabolism.


National Research Foundation of Korea

Biomedical Research Institute Grant of Pusan National University Hospital




Inorganic Chemistry,Organic Chemistry,Physical and Theoretical Chemistry,Computer Science Applications,Spectroscopy,Molecular Biology,General Medicine,Catalysis

Reference150 articles.

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