Immunomodulation of Oxidative Stress during Organ Donation Process: Preliminary Results


Palomo-López NoraORCID,Rodríguez-Rodríguez Ana,Martín-Villén Luis,Mendoza-Prieto María,Ruiz de Azúa-López Zaida,Sempere-Bordes Lluis,Boyero-Corral Laura,Daga-Ruiz Domingo,Gordillo-Brenes Antonio,Pacheco-Sánchez María,Perez-Villares José Miguel,Vilches-Arenas Ángel,Egea-Guerrero Juan JoséORCID


The objective was to quantify oxidative stress resulting from ischemia during the donation process, using malondialdehyde (MDA) measurement, and its modulation by the administration of melatonin. We designed a triple-blind clinical trial with donors randomized to melatonin or placebo. We collected donors by donation after brain death (DBD) and controlled donation after circulatory death (DCD), the latter maintained by normothermic regional perfusion (NRP). Melatonin or placebo was administered prior to donation or following limitation of therapeutic effort (LTE). Demographic variables and medical history were collected. We also collected serial measurements of MDA, at 60 and 90 min after melatonin or placebo administration. A total of 53 donors were included (32 from DBD and 21 from DCD). In the DBD group, 17 donors received melatonin, and 15 placebo. Eight DCD donors were randomized to melatonin and 13 to placebo. Medical history and cause for LTE were similar between groups. Although MDA values did not differ in the DBD group, statistical differences were observed in DCD donors during the 0–60 min interval: −4.296 (−6.752; −2.336) in the melatonin group and −1.612 (−2.886; −0.7445) in controls. Given the antioxidant effect of melatonin, its use could reduce the production of oxidative stress in controlled DCD.


Fundación Mutua Madrileña




Health Information Management,Health Informatics,Health Policy,Leadership and Management

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