Psychological Help-Seeking Status for Living with Mental Health Conditions in Türkiye: Using a Multivariate Probit Model


Bayrakçeken Esra1,Alkan Ömer23ORCID,Abar Hayri4


1. Department of Medical Services and Techniques, Vocational School of Health Services, Ataturk University, Erzurum 25030, Türkiye

2. Department of Econometrics, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, 2nd Floor, Number 222, Ataturk University, Erzurum 25030, Türkiye

3. Master Araştırma Eğitim ve Danışmanlık Hizmetleri Ltd., Şti., Ata Teknokent, Erzurum 25240, Türkiye

4. Department of Economics, Faculty of Business and Economics, Gaziantep University, 1st Floor, Number 132, Gaziantep 27310, Türkiye


Background/aim: Mental disorders constitute a significant public health concern, contributing significantly to the overall disease burden. Individuals experiencing mental distress often delay or avoid seeking psychological help or do not seek help due to varying factors. This study examines the factors affecting individuals’ preferences, particularly young people, in seeking psychological help in Türkiye. Methods: This study utilized microdata from the Türkiye Health Survey conducted by TURKSTAT in 2016 and 2019. The factors influencing decisions to consult with a psychologist, psychotherapist, or psychiatrist were determined by multivariate probit regression analysis. The Türkiye Health Survey employed a stratified two-stage cluster sampling method, surveying 17,242 individuals over the age of 15 in 9470 households in 2016 and 17,084 individuals over the age of 15 in 9470 households in 2019. Results: The analysis findings indicated that, in the entire sample, women are more likely to seek psychological help, while younger women are less likely to do so. In the entire sample, as the education level increased, the probability of individuals receiving psychological help increased, while it decreased for young people. It was determined that people who use tobacco and alcohol are more likely to receive psychological help than others. It was also determined that individuals who perceive their health status as good, especially those who are both young and perceive their health status as good, are less likely to seek psychological help. Conclusions: The significance and impact of the variables on the probability of individuals seeking psychological help vary for both the entire sample and young people. There may be various restrictions in getting psychological help, and people may resort to informal methods instead of professionals to cope with their existing problems. In developing preventive strategies to safeguard mental health, factors related to young people’s and individuals’ psychological help-seeking status should be prioritized, and more attention should be paid to them.




Health Information Management,Health Informatics,Health Policy,Leadership and Management

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