Overuse of Computed Tomography Pulmonary Angiography and Low Utilization of Clinical Prediction Rules in Suspected Pulmonary Embolism Patients at a Regional Australian Hospital


Chean Li Ning1,Tan Clement12ORCID,Hiskens Matthew I.1ORCID,Rattenbury Marie1,Sundaram Prahalath2,Perara Jithmy2,Smith Karen1,Kumar Pranav1


1. Mackay Base Hospital, Mackay 4740, Australia

2. College of Medicine and Dentistry, James Cook University, Mackay 4740, Australia


A pulmonary embolism (PE) is an obstruction in the pulmonary arterial system and may include non-specific signs and symptoms. Clinical prediction rules (CPRs) assess the pretest probability (PTP) of a PE to prevent the overuse of computed tomography pulmonary angiography (CTPA). CTPA overuse results in patient harm and health system waste. This study aimed to evaluate CTPA usage in an Australian regional hospital through analyzing CTPA encounters. A retrospective chart analysis was undertaken of 100 CTPAs conducted at an Australian regional hospital from April to May 2023. Analysis was undertaken for parameters including risk factors, signs and symptoms, investigations, and the use of CPRs. Overall, 86% of patients had signs and/or symptoms of a PE within a week of examination, and 6% of the population had signs of deep vein thrombosis. More than half of the population had no risk factors, while the most prevalent risk factors were a recent history of immobilization/trauma and/or having surgery that required general anesthesia in the last 4 weeks. The most common co-morbidity was chronic lung disease (11%). For the pre-test diagnostic workup, the ECG was the most ordered investigation. The Wells’ score was used at 10%, while most patients did not have any CPRs applied. The prevalence of PEs discovered on CTPAs was 9%. CPRs were under-utilized in this Australian regional hospital. The D-dimers for ruling out subjects with low PTP derived from CPRs were also underused. This led to the inappropriate overordering of CTPAs, resulting in negative implications for patients and unnecessary costs to the health system.




Health Information Management,Health Informatics,Health Policy,Leadership and Management








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