Can Virtual Reality Help Improve Motor and Cognitive Function in Active Aging in Older Adults? A Scoping Review


Ortiz-Mallasén Víctor1ORCID,Claramonte-Gual Eloy2ORCID,González-Chordá Víctor Manuel1ORCID,Llagostera-Reverter Irene1ORCID,Valero-Chillerón María Jesús1ORCID,Cervera-Gasch Águeda1ORCID


1. Nursing Department, Jaume I University, Avda Sos Baynat s/n, 12071 Castellón de la Plana, Spain

2. Department of Health in Castellón, Valencian Health System, Avda Benicassim, 128, 12004 Castellón de la Plana, Spain


Background: Active aging is considered one of the most effective methods for a healthy aging process. There are numerous clinical practice guidelines that address this model and propose multiple strategies for its achievement through the improvement of motor and cognitive function. Virtual reality is emerging as a potential tool, with various modalities focused on promoting good health maintenance in older adults. The objectives of this review were to map the potential benefits of virtual reality for active aging and delve into adaptability and adherence in older individuals. Methods: A scoping review was conducted on studies published between 2013 and 2023 in English, Spanish, or Catalan, examining virtual reality interventions in older adults. The search was performed using the Medline, CINAHL, Scopus, and Web of Science databases. The methodological quality was assessed using CASPe and FLC 3.0 critical appraisal guidelines. The graphical data were reported narratively, grouping results based on the study characteristics and the impact of virtual reality. Results: The review process resulted in the inclusion of 22 articles out of the initial 459 following the application of the selection criteria. Most articles were randomized controlled trials (45.4%; n = 10), systematic reviews (40.9%; n = 9), observational studies (9%; n = 2), and pilot studies (4.5%; n = 1). The information was organized based on the virtual reality modality (immersive, non-immersive, and 360) and application area (motor, cognitive, and mental health). Conclusions: Virtual reality (both immersive and non-immersive) is a valuable tool for promoting physical exercise in older adults, helping to prevent recurrent accidental falls. It also yields positive results for cognitive stimulation in healthy older individuals, improving memory, depression, and mental health in those with cognitive impairment. Virtual reality is generally well-received by older adults, achieving high adherence rates.




Health Information Management,Health Informatics,Health Policy,Leadership and Management

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