Development and Psychometric Validation of the Breast Cancer Stigma Assessment Scale for Women with Breast Cancer and Its Survivors


Cenit-García Judit12,Buendía-Gilabert Carolina3,Contreras-Molina Carmen14,Puente-Fernández Daniel24ORCID,Fernández-Castillo Rafael4ORCID,García-Caro María Paz45ORCID


1. Virgen de las Nieves University Hospital, 18014 Granada, Spain

2. ibs.GRANADA—Biosanitary Research Institute, 18012 Granada, Spain

3. Medical Oncology Unit, Vall d’Hebron University Hospital, 08035 Barcelona, Spain

4. Department of Nursing, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Granada, Avda. de la Ilustración, 60, 18016 Granada, Spain

5. CIMCYC—Mind, Brain and Behavior Research Center, University of Granada, 18071 Granada, Spain


Background: The increase in breast cancer cases and breast cancer survival makes it advisable to quantify the impact of the health-related stigma of this disease. Purpose/Objectives: To develop and validate a breast cancer stigma scale in Spanish. Methods: Women diagnosed with, or survivors of, breast cancer were included. The development of the Breast Cancer Stigma Assessment Scale (BCSAS) involved both a literature review and personal interviews. Content validity was assessed using a Delphi study and a pilot test; construct validity was evaluated using an exploratory factor analysis; and convergent validity was assessed using six scales. Cronbach’s α internal consistency and test-retest reliability were used to determine the reliability of the scales. Results: 231 women responded to the 28-item scale. The BCSAS showed good reliability, with α = 0.897. Seven factors emerged: concealment (α = 0.765), disturbance (α = 0.772), internalized stigma (α = 0.750), aesthetics (α = 0.779), course (α = 0.599), danger (α = 0.502), and origin (α = 0.350). The test-retest reliability was 0.830 (p < 0.001). Significant correlation was observed with event centrality (r = 0.701), anxiety–depression (r = 0.668), shame (r = 0.645), guilt (r = 0.524), and quality of life (r = −0.545). Conclusions: The BCSAS is a reliable and valid measure of stigma in women with breast cancer and its survivors. It could be useful for detecting stigma risk and establishing psychotherapeutic and care priorities.




Health Information Management,Health Informatics,Health Policy,Leadership and Management

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