Obesity and Its Multiple Clinical Implications between Inflammatory States and Gut Microbiotic Alterations


Milano Walter,Carizzone Francesca,Foia Mariagabriella,Marchese Magda,Milano Mariafrancesca,Saetta Biancamaria,Capasso Anna


Obesity is a chronic multifactorial disease that has become a serious health problem and is currently widespread over the world. It is, in fact, strongly associated with many other conditions, including insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases, the onset of different types of malignant tumors and alterations in reproductive function. According to the literature, obesity is characterized by a state of low-grade chronic inflammation, with a substantial increase in immune cells, specifically macrophage infiltrates in the adipose tissue which, in turn, secrete a succession of pro-inflammatory mediators. Furthermore, recent studies on microbiota have postulated new possible mechanisms of interaction between obesity and unbalanced nutrition with inflammation. This intestinal “superorganism” complex seems to influence not only the metabolic balance of the host but also the immune response, favoring a state of systemic inflammation and insulin resistance. This review summarizes the major evidence on the interactions between the gut microbiota, energetic metabolism and host immune system, all leading to a convergence of the fields of immunology, nutrients physiology and microbiota in the context of obesity and its possible clinical complications. Finally, possible therapeutic approaches aiming to rebalance the intestinal microbial ecosystem are evaluated to improve the alteration of inflammatory and metabolic states in obesity and related diseases.




General Medicine

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