Epigenetics of Genes Preferentially Expressed in Dissimilar Cell Populations: Myoblasts and Cerebellum


Ehrlich Melanie12ORCID,Ehrlich Kenneth C.2,Lacey Michelle3,Baribault Carl4,Sen Sagnik5,Estève Pierre-Olivier5,Pradhan Sriharsa5


1. Tulane Cancer Center, Hayward Human Genetics Center, Center for Bioinformatics and Genomics, Tulane University Health Sciences Center, New Orleans, LA 70112, USA

2. Center for Bioinformatics and Genomics, Tulane University Health Sciences Center, New Orleans, LA 70112, USA

3. Department of Mathematics, Tulane University, New Orleans, LA 70118, USA

4. Information Technology, Tulane University, New Orleans, LA 70118, USA

5. Genome Biology Division, New England Biolabs, Ipswich, MA 01938, USA


While studying myoblast methylomes and transcriptomes, we found that CDH15 had a remarkable preference for expression in both myoblasts and cerebellum. To understand how widespread such a relationship was and its epigenetic and biological correlates, we systematically looked for genes with similar transcription profiles and analyzed their DNA methylation and chromatin state and accessibility profiles in many different cell populations. Twenty genes were expressed preferentially in myoblasts and cerebellum (Myob/Cbl genes). Some shared DNA hypo- or hypermethylated regions in myoblasts and cerebellum. Particularly striking was ZNF556, whose promoter is hypomethylated in expressing cells but highly methylated in the many cell populations that do not express the gene. In reporter gene assays, we demonstrated that its promoter’s activity is methylation sensitive. The atypical epigenetics of ZNF556 may have originated from its promoter’s hypomethylation and selective activation in sperm progenitors and oocytes. Five of the Myob/Cbl genes (KCNJ12, ST8SIA5, ZIC1, VAX2, and EN2) have much higher RNA levels in cerebellum than in myoblasts and displayed myoblast-specific hypermethylation upstream and/or downstream of their promoters that may downmodulate expression. Differential DNA methylation was associated with alternative promoter usage for Myob/Cbl genes MCF2L, DOK7, CNPY1, and ANK1. Myob/Cbl genes PAX3, LBX1, ZNF556, ZIC1, EN2, and VAX2 encode sequence-specific transcription factors, which likely help drive the myoblast and cerebellum specificity of other Myob/Cbl genes. This study extends our understanding of epigenetic/transcription associations related to differentiation and may help elucidate relationships between epigenetic signatures and muscular dystrophies or cerebellar-linked neuropathologies.


National Institutes of Health

Louisiana Cancer Center




Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis,Genetics,Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous),Biochemistry








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