Solid Anorganic Particles and Chronic Rhinosinusitis: A Histopathology Study


Čábalová LenkaORCID,Čabanová KristinaORCID,Bielniková Hana,Kukutschová Jana,Dvořáčková Jana,Zeleník KarolORCID,Komínek Pavel


Although extensive research has shown the pathological effect of fine and ultrafine airborne particles, clear evidence of association of environmental exposure to them and inflammatory changes in human nasal mucosa is missing. Meanwhile, pathogenesis of chronic rhinosinusitis, despite being a disease with high prevalence in the population, is still unclear. The increasing evidence of the pro-inflammatory properties of these particles raises the question of their possible role in chronic rhinosinusitis. The presented study focused on detection of microsized anorganic particles and clusters of nanosized anorganic particles in the nasal mucosa of patients with chronic rhinosinusitis by Raman microspectroscopy and comparison of their composition to histologic findings. The results were compared to the findings in mucosa obtained from cadavers with no history of chronic rhinosinusitis. Solid particles were found in 90% of tissue samples in the group with chronic rhinosinusitis, showing histologic signs of inflammation in 95%, while in the control group, the particles were found in 20% of samples, with normal histologic findings in all of them. The main detected compounds were graphite, TiO2, amorphous carbon, calcite, ankerite and iron compounds. The results are in accordance with the premise that exogenous airborne particles interact with the nasal mucosa and possibly deposit in it in cases where the epithelial barrier is compromised in chronic rhinosinusitis.




Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis,Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health

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