Air Quality Dispersion Modelling to Evaluate CIPP Installation Styrene Emissions


Matthews ElizabethORCID,Kraft John,Hossain GaziORCID,Bednar Anthony,Laber Charles,Alam ShauravORCID,Manzur Tanvir,Matthews John,Howell Jason,Eklund Sven


Cured-in-place pipe (CIPP) is one of the most popular in situ rehabilitation techniques to repair sewer and water pipes. While there are multiple approaches to curing CIPP, steam-curing of styrene-based resins has been found to be associated with air-borne chemical emissions. Health officials, utilities and industry representatives have recognized the need to know more about these emissions, especially styrene. Such concern has led to multiple studies investigating the concentrations of volatile organic compounds on CIPP installation sites. This study expands upon previous effort by modeling worst-case, steam-cured CIPP emissions over a 5-year weather record. The effort also includes calibration of the model to emissions averages over the work day rather than instantaneous field measurements. Dispersion modelling software, AERMOD, was utilized to model the styrene component of CIPP emissions on two CIPP installation sites in the US. Based on the analysis results, it was found that the styrene emitted from stacks dissipates rapidly with styrene concentrations only exceeding minimum health and safety threshold levels at distances close to the stack (2 m or less). The values predicted by the model analysis are comparable with the field measured styrene concentrations from other studies. Current safety guidelines in the US recommend a 4.6-m (15-ft) safety perimeter for stack emission points. The results of this study indicate that significant and lasting health impacts are unlikely outside recommended safety perimeter. The results also validate the importance of enforcing recommended safety guidance on steam-cured CIPP sites.


National Association of Sewer Service Companies




Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis,Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health

Reference39 articles.

1. 2021 Report Card for America’s Infrastructure,2021

2. Social cost impact assessment of pipeline infrastructure projects

3. Experimental Evaluation of Deteriorated CMPs Retrofitted by Different Non-invasive Approaches

4. Evaluation of Carbon Footprint of Pipeline Materials during Installation, Operation, and Disposal Phases

5. NASSCO CIPP Emissions Phase 2: Evaluation of Air Emissions from Polyester Resin CIPP with Steam Cure, National Association of Sewer Service Companies

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