Physiotherapy Programmes Aided by VR Solutions Applied to the Seniors Affected by Functional Capacity Impairment: Randomised Controlled Trial


Zak MarekORCID,Sikorski Tomasz,Krupnik Szymon,Wasik Magdalena,Grzanka Katarzyna,Courteix DanielORCID,Dutheil FredericORCID,Brola WaldemarORCID


Modern technologies are presently harnessed in response to a complex challenge of providing physiotherapeutic management in older adults. Fully immersive virtual reality (VR) solutions are acknowledged to viably enhance the overall effectiveness of traditional physiotherapeutic methods. A total of 60 community-dwelling older adults (over 75 years of age) were recruited for the study protocol. They were subsequently randomly split into four equally sized study groups (VR, CVR, OCULUS, and the classic programme group (OTAGO), and the physiotherapy sessions were pursued in the subjects’ homes for 3 weeks, 3 times a week, for 30 min in each group. At the first measurement point, respective study groups differed significantly in functional performance, as expressed in gait (POMA G) and individual static balance. The post hoc analysis indicated significantly higher scores in POMA G for the classic programme group vs. the results of the VR and CVR groups. On the other hand, the OCULUS group held significantly higher scores in individual balance and TUG, as compared to the other groups (p < 0.001). Making use of a virtual reality (VR) environment in the physiotherapeutic management of community-dwelling older adults appreciably enhanced individual functional performance, especially in terms of static balance. Physiotherapy management aided by VR technology solutions offers a viable alternative to traditional physiotherapeutic regimens (e.g., OTAGO programme) in enhancing individual functional performance. The innovatively self-designed VIRTUAL REALITY COMPREHENSIVE REHABILITATION ROOMS (VRCRR) solution may help out in pursuing a complex physiotherapy programme on an individual basis within one’s own home environment.




Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis,Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health







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