Record Linkage for Malaria Deaths Data Recovery and Surveillance in Brazil


Garcia Klauss Kleydmann Sabino1ORCID,Xavier Danielly Batista2ORCID,Soremekun Seyi3,Abrahão Amanda Amaral4,Drakeley Chris3,Ramalho Walter Massa1,Siqueira André M.5


1. Center of Tropical Medicine, University of Brasilia, Brasília 70904-970, Brazil

2. Escola Superior de Agricultura Luís de Queiroz, Universidade de São Paulo, Piracicaba 13418-900, Brazil

3. Department of Infection Biology, Faculty of Infectious and Tropical Diseases, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, University of London, London WC1E 7HT, UK

4. Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Brasilia, Brasilia 70910-900, Brazil

5. Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, Evandro Chagas National Institute of Infectology, Rio de Janeiro 21040-360, Brazil


Objective: The objective is to describe the results and the methodological processes of record linkage for matching deaths and malaria cases. Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted with probabilistic record linkage of death and malaria cases data in Brazil from 2011 to 2020 using death records from the Mortality Information System (SIM) and epidemiological data from the Notifiable Diseases Information System (Sinan) and Epidemiological Surveillance Information Systems for malaria (Sivep-Malaria). Three matching keys were used: patient’s name, date of birth, and mother’s name, with an analysis of cosine and Levenshtein dissimilarity measures. Results: A total of 490 malaria deaths were recorded in Brazil between 2011 and 2020. The record linkage resulted in the pairing of 216 deaths (44.0%). Pairings where all three matching keys were identical accounted for 30.1% of the total matched deaths, 39.4% of the matched deaths had two identical variables, and 30.5% had only one of the three key variables identical. The distribution of the variables of the matched deaths (216) was similar to the distribution of all recorded deaths (490). Out of the 216 matched deaths, 80 (37.0%) had poorly specified causes of death in the SIM. Conclusions: The record linkage allowed for the detailing of the data with additional information from other epidemiological systems. Record linkage enables data linkage between information systems that lack interoperability and is an extremely useful tool for refining health situation analyses and improving malaria death surveillance in Brazil.


Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Brazilian Ministry of Health

Higher Education Personnel Improvement Coordination




Infectious Diseases,Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health,General Immunology and Microbiology







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