Self-Reported Baseline Quality of Life Mirrors Treatment-Specific Characteristics of Cancer Patients


Thronicke Anja1ORCID,Oei Shiao Li1ORCID,Grieb Gerrit2ORCID,Grabowski Patricia3,Roos Juliane3,Schad Friedemann13ORCID


1. Research Institute Havelhöhe gGmbH, Hospital Gemeinschaftskrankenhaus Havelhöhe, 14089 Berlin, Germany

2. Department of Plastic Surgery and Hand Surgery, Hospital Gemeinschaftskrankenhaus Havelhöhe, 14089 Berlin, Germany

3. Interdisciplinary Oncology and Palliative Care, Hospital Gemeinschaftskrankenhaus Havelhöhe, 14089 Berlin, Germany


Background: Baseline quality of life (bQL) has been shown to be a predictor of the clinical outcome of oncological patients. The primary objective of the present study was to examine the role of bQL as a treatment predictor in oncological patients. Methods: In this prospective study, all-stage cancer patients registered in the Network Oncology registry were enrolled, and their bQL at diagnosis was evaluated. Results: Five hundred and thirty-eight oncological patients were eligible (median age 64 years). We show that survival-predicting bQL variables such as pain, low physical functioning or financial burden at tumor diagnosis were linked to lower systemic treatment (p = 0.03), reduced surgery (p = 0.007) or reduced oncological treatment compliance (0.01), respectively. Lastly, female gender and older cancer patients exhibited a tempered bQL. Conclusion: Our study is one of the first to reveal that bQL at tumor diagnosis is significantly associated with the prediction of oncological treatment with distinctive age- and gender-related patterns. Our results emphasize the need to address the physical, psychosocial, and financial burden of cancer patients prior to their oncological treatment with respect to age and gender. The associations found here pave the way for early integration of patient-reported outcomes into oncological supportive concepts.


Iscador AG Arlesheim, Switzerland

ABNOBA GmbH Pforzheim, Germany

Helixor GmbH Rosenfeld, Germany




Cancer Research,Oncology

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