Changes in the Histology of Lung Cancer in Northern Italy: Impact on Incidence and Mortality


Mangone Lucia1ORCID,Marinelli Francesco1ORCID,Bisceglia Isabella1ORCID,Zambelli Alessandro1,Zanelli Francesca2,Pagano Maria2,Alberti Giulia2,Morabito Fortunato3ORCID,Pinto Carmine2ORCID


1. Epidemiology Unit, Azienda Unità Sanitaria Locale, IRCCS di Reggio Emilia, 42122 Reggio Emilia, RE, Italy

2. Medical Oncology Unit, Azienda Unità Sanitaria Locale, IRCCS di Reggio Emilia, 42122 Reggio Emilia, RE, Italy

3. Biotechnology Research Unit, Azienda Sanitaria Provinciale di Cosenza, 87051 Aprigliano, CS, Italy


This study assessed the incidence, mortality, and survival of lung cancer subtypes of NSCSLC (non-small-cell lung cancer), SCLC (small-cell lung cancer), and other morphologies. It is an observational epidemiological study using 7197 cases from the Reggio Emilia Cancer Registry recorded between 2001 and 2020 in males and females. The incidence of NSCLC in 5104 males indicates a significant 3% annual increase until 2013 and then a decline of −3.2% that is not statistically significant; until 2014, mortality increased significantly (3.2%), but it then decreased non-significantly (−12.1%), especially squamous cell cancer. In 2093 females, the incidence and mortality trends continued to rise significantly through 2012, and then they began to slightly decline (not statistically significant). The two-year relative survival of NSCLC increased from 32% to 38% in males and from 42% to 56% in females. SCLC in males decreased significantly both in incidence and mortality, while in women, it showed a slight increase (significantly for incidence but not for mortality). This study is important because it analyzes the decrease in lung cancer in males and the increase in females in relation to the different histotypes. Our study’s findings confirmed a decline in male incidence and death beginning in 2013. We were unable to determine if the drop in cigarette smoking and the introduction of new drugs such as EGFR in first-line therapy were responsible for the lower incidence.


Italian Ministry of Health–Ricerca Corrente Annual Program 2024




Cancer Research,Oncology

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