Primary Lamellar Macular Holes: To Vit or Not to Vit


Wu LihtehORCID,Bradshaw Ryan


There is a wide spectrum of macular conditions that are characterized by an irregular foveal contour caused by a break in the inner fovea. These include full-thickness macular hole (FTMH), foveal pseudocyst, lamellar macular hole (LMH) and macular pseudohole (MPH). Clinical examination of vitreomacular interface disorders is notoriously poor in differentiating these conditions. These conditions were initially described with slit-lamp biomicroscopy, and the main goal was to distinguish an FTMH from the others. The introduction of optical coherence tomography (OCT) has revolutionized our understanding of the foveal microstructural anatomy and has facilitated differentiating these conditions from an FTMH. However, the definitions of the other conditions, particularly LMH, has evolved over the past two decades. Initially the term LMH encompassed a wide spectrum of clinical conditions. As OCT became more widely used and observations became more refined, two different phenotypes of LMH became apparent, raising the question of different pathogenic mechanisms for each phenotype. Tractional and degenerative pathological mechanisms were proposed. Epiretinal membranes (ERMs) associated with each phenotype were identified. Typical ERMs were associated with a tractional mechanism, whereas an epiretinal proliferation was associated with a degenerative mechanism. Epiretinal proliferation represents Müller cell proliferation as a reactive process to retinal injury. These two types of ERM were differentiated by their characteristics on SD-OCT. The latest consensus definitions take into account this phenotypic differentiation and classifies these entities into LMH, MPH and ERM foveoschisis. The initial event in both ERM foveoschisis and LMH is a tractional event that disrupts the Müller cell cone in the foveola or the foveal walls. Depending on the extent of Müller cell disruption, either a LMH or an ERM foveoschisis may develop. Although surgical intervention for LMH remains controversial and no clear guidelines exist for pars plana vitrectomy (PPV), eyes with symptomatic, progressive ERM foveoschisis and LMH may benefit from surgical intervention.




General Medicine

Reference133 articles.

1. Vitreous Surgery for Idiopathic Macular Holes

2. The International Vitreomacular Traction Study Group Classification of Vitreomacular Adhesion, Traction, and Macular Hole

3. Lamellar macular hole: A complication of cystoid macular edema after cataract extraction: A clinicopathologic case report;Gass;Trans. Am. Ophthalmol. Soc.,1975

4. Lamellar Macular Hole

5. Contraction of a Perifoveal Epiretinal Membrane Simulating a Macular Hole

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