Development of Novel Pasta Products with Evidence Based Impacts on Health—A Review


Sissons MikeORCID


Pasta made from durum wheat is a widely consumed worldwide and is a healthy and convenient food. In the last two decades, there has been much research effort into improving the nutritional value of pasta by inclusion of nonconventional ingredients due to the demand by health-conscious consumers for functional foods. These ingredients can affect the technological properties of the pasta, but their health impacts are not always measured rather inferred. This review provides an overview of pasta made from durum wheat where the semolina is substituted in part with a range of ingredients (barley fractions, dietary fibre sources, fish ingredients, herbs, inulin, resistant starches, legumes, vegetables and protein extracts). Impacts on pasta technological properties and in vitro measures of phytonutrient enhancement or changes to starch digestion are included. Emphasis is on the literature that provides clinical or animal trial data on the health benefits of the functional pasta.




Plant Science,Health Professions (miscellaneous),Health (social science),Microbiology,Food Science

Reference135 articles.

1. Pasta;Sissons,2016

2. Structure and quality of pasta enriched with functional ingredients

3. A Meta-Analysis of Enriched Pasta: What Are the Effects of Enrichment and Process Specifications on the Quality Attributes of Pasta?

4. How to make pastas healthier?

5. Food and Nutrition Board of the National Academy of Sciences

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