Gonadotropin and Ovarian Hormone Monitoring: Lateral Flow Assays for Clinical Decision Making


Targonskaya Anna1ORCID,Maslowski Katherine12


1. Hormona, WLNESS Science Ltd., London KT13 8DE, UK

2. University Hospitals Bristol and Weston NHS Foundation Trust, Bristol BS1 3NU, UK


FSH, estrogen and progesterone testing are widely utilized in clinical practice. Lateral flow assays (LFAs) are cost-effective tools used for diagnosing infectious diseases, pregnancy, and substance testing. The focus of this narrative review is the potential for the wider utilization of listed hormone LFAs. A search was conducted with PubMed, Google Scholar and Wiley online libraries using keywords without any limitation on the publication date; animal studies were excluded. Clinical guidelines for the related conditions were included. According to published data, E3G and PdG are used to determine ovulatory cycles and can be utilized for research purposes to establish the normal range of menstrual cycles, as there is currently disagreement among guidelines. FSH measurement in blood samples is utilized to predict oocyte yield in assisted cycles and to differentiate women with premature ovarian insufficiency from hypothalamic amenorrhea, and can be replaced with more convenient urine testing. PdG was tested to assess the risk of pregnancy complications, specifically miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy, and might become a screening tool for miscarriage in the future. PMS, PMDD and ovarian carcinogenesis could be extensively studied using LFAs to gain a better understanding of the biology behind these conditions. Before implementing these LFAs into clinical practice, the reproducibility of progesterone assays should be evaluated. The results are critical for treatment decisions, and universally recognized standards for estradiol measurement should be developed.




General Mathematics

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