Comparing individual and group-level simulated neurophysiological brain connectivity using the Jansen and Rit neural mass model


Kulik S. D.123ORCID,Douw L.12,van Dellen E.4,Steenwijk M. D.13,Geurts J. J. G.13,Stam C. J.5,Hillebrand A.5,Schoonheim M. M.13,Tewarie P.5


1. Amsterdam UMC, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Department of Anatomy & Neuroscience, Amsterdam Neuroscience, Amsterdam The Netherlands

2. Amsterdam UMC, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Brain Tumour Center Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

3. Amsterdam UMC, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, MS Center Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

4. University Medical Center Utrecht, Department of Psychiatry, Brain Center, Utrecht, The Netherlands

5. Amsterdam UMC, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Department of Neurology and Department of Clinical Neurophysiology and MEG Center, Amsterdam Neuroscience, Amsterdam The Netherlands


Abstract Computational models are often used to assess how functional connectivity (FC) patterns emerge from neuronal population dynamics and anatomical brain connections. It remains unclear whether the commonly used group-averaged data can predict individual FC patterns. The Jansen and Rit neural mass model was employed, where masses were coupled using individual structural connectivity (SC). Simulated FC was correlated to individual magnetoencephalography-derived empirical FC. FC was estimated using phase-based (phase lag index (PLI), phase locking value (PLV)), and amplitude-based (amplitude envelope correlation (AEC)) metrics to analyze their goodness of fit for individual predictions. Individual FC predictions were compared against group-averaged FC predictions, and we tested whether SC of a different participant could equally well predict participants’ FC patterns. The AEC provided a better match between individually simulated and empirical FC than phase-based metrics. Correlations between simulated and empirical FC were higher using individual SC compared to group-averaged SC. Using SC from other participants resulted in similar correlations between simulated and empirical FC compared to using participants’ own SC. This work underlines the added value of FC simulations using individual instead of group-averaged SC for this particular computational model and could aid in a better understanding of mechanisms underlying individual functional network trajectories.


ZonMW Vidi grant


MIT Press


Applied Mathematics,Artificial Intelligence,Computer Science Applications,General Neuroscience







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