Patient-Centered Cancer Treatment Planning: Improving the Quality of Oncology Care. Summary of an Institute of Medicine Workshop


Balogh Erin P.1,Ganz Patricia A.2,Murphy Sharon B.1,Nass Sharyl J.1,Ferrell Betty R.3,Stovall Ellen4


1. a Institute of Medicine, Washington, District of Columbia, USA;

2. b University of California, Los Angeles, California, USA;

3. c City of Hope National Medical Center, Los Angeles, California, USA;

4. d National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship, Silver Spring, Maryland, USA


Abstract The Institute of Medicine's National Cancer Policy Forum recently convened a workshop on patient-centered cancer treatment planning, with the aim of raising awareness about this important but often overlooked aspect of cancer treatment. A primary goal of patient-centered treatment planning is to engage patients and their families in meaningful, thorough interactions with their health care providers to develop an accurate, well-conceived treatment plan, using all available medical information appropriately while also considering the medical, social, and cultural needs and desires of the patient and family. A cancer treatment plan can be shared among the patient, family, and care team in order to facilitate care coordination and provide a roadmap to help patients navigate the path of cancer treatment. There are numerous obstacles to achieving patient-centered cancer treatment planning in practice. Some of these challenges stem from the patient and include patients' lack of assertiveness, health literacy, and numeracy, and their emotional state and concurrent illnesses. Others are a result of physician limitations, such as a lack of time to explain complex information and a lack of tools to facilitate treatment planning, as well as insensitivity to patients' informational, cultural, and emotional needs. Potential solutions to address these obstacles include better training of health care providers and patients in optimal communication and shared decision making, and greater use of support services and tools such as patient navigation and electronic health records. Other options include greater use of quality metrics and reimbursement for the time it takes to develop, discuss, and document a treatment plan.


National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship

National Cancer Institute

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Food and Drug Administration

American Association for Cancer Research

American Cancer Society

American Society of Clinical Oncology

Association of American Cancer Institutes

Bristol–Myers Squibb


CEO Roundtable on Cancer

Novartis Oncology

Oncology Nursing Society


Oxford University Press (OUP)


Cancer Research,Oncology

Reference24 articles.







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