Diffuse Appendicular Peritonitis: Laparoscopic vs Open Access — Viewpoint From Aside


Arutyunyan A. S.1ORCID,Blagovestnov D. A.1ORCID,Levitsky V. D.2ORCID,Yartsev P. A.3ORCID


1. Russian Medical Academy of Continuous Professional Education; N.V. Sklifosovsky Research Institute for Emergency Medicine

2. N.V. Sklifosovsky Research Institute for Emergency Medicine

3. Russian Medical Academy of Continuous Professional Education; N.V. Sklifosovsky Research Institute for Emergency Medicine; Penza Institute for Advanced Doctors Training, the branch of the Russian Medical Academy of Continuous Professional Education


The perforative acute appendicitis with the development of diffuse peritonitis increases the incidence of postoperative complications to 47%, and mortality to 3%. Mortality in the case of the development of diffuse purulent peritonitis makes 4.5-58%, and it can exceed 70% in severe forms of diffuse peritonitis with the development of infectious-toxic shock and multiple organ failure. National Clinical Guidelines for acute appendicitis with diffuse peritonitis allow for appendectomy from both the median and laparoscopic access in the absence of general contraindications to the creation of pneumoperitoneum. However, despite the proven advantages of laparoscopic appendectomy, there are opponents of its use in diffuse forms of appendicular peritonitis. An increased number of postoperative abscesses with a minimally invasive approach has been reported in literature; however, recent randomized studies refute this fact. There is also evidence that the laparoscopic method for appendicular peritonitis often leads to a lengthening of the operation time and higher operating costs, but at the same time there is a decrease in postoperative pain syndrome, a reduction in the length of inpatient treatment and early social and labor rehabilitation, which leads to an overall decrease in hospital costs. Thus, to date, there is no generally accepted opinion about the advisability of laparoscopic access for appendicular peritonitis. At the moment, the presence of diffuse peritonitis is the most common intraoperative reason for refusing a minimally invasive surgical treatment. However, there is a tendency to trying to standardize indications and contraindications, which was the objective of our literature review.


The Scientific and Practical Society of Emergency Medicine Physicians


Emergency Medicine

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1. In Vivo Simulation of the Purulent Peritonitis;Innovative Medicine of Kuban;2023-03-06








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