Minireview: The Androgen Receptor in Breast Tissues: Growth Inhibitor, Tumor Suppressor, Oncogene?


Hickey T. E.1,Robinson J. L. L.23,Carroll J. S.23,Tilley W. D.1


1. Dame Roma Mitchell Cancer Research Laboratories (T.E.H., W.D.T.), School of Medicine, Hanson Institute and University of Adelaide, Adelaide SA 5000, Australia;

2. Cancer Research United Kingdom (J.L.L.R., J.S.C.), Cambridge Research Institute, Li KaShing Centre, Cambridge CB2 0RE, United Kingdom;

3. Department of Oncology (J.L.L.R., J.S.C.), University of Cambridge, Cambridge CBT 12N, United Kingdom


Androgen receptor (AR) signaling exerts an antiestrogenic, growth-inhibitory influence in normal breast tissue, and this role may be sustained in estrogen receptor α (ERα)-positive luminal breast cancers. Conversely, AR signaling may promote growth of a subset of ERα-negative, AR-positive breast cancers with a molecular apocrine phenotype. Understanding the molecular mechanisms whereby androgens can elicit distinct gene expression programs and opposing proliferative responses in these two breast cancer phenotypes is critical to the development of new therapeutic strategies to target the AR in breast cancer.


The Endocrine Society


Endocrinology,Molecular Biology,General Medicine

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