Fibroblast Growth Factor 19 Increases Metabolic Rate and Reverses Dietary and Leptin-Deficient Diabetes


Fu Ling1,John Linu M.1,Adams Sean H.123,Yu Xing Xian123,Tomlinson Elizabeth1,Renz Mark1,Williams P. Mickey123,Soriano Robert123,Corpuz Racquel2,Moffat Barbara2,Vandlen Richard2,Simmons Laura1,Foster Jessica1,Stephan Jean-Philippe3,Tsai Siao Ping3,Stewart Timothy A.1


1. Departments of Molecular Biology (L.F., L.M.J., E.T., M.R., L.S., J.F., T.A.S.), Genentech, Inc., South San Francisco, California 94080

2. Protein Engineering (R.C., B.M., R.V.), Genentech, Inc., South San Francisco, California 94080

3. Assay Technologies (J.-P.S., S.P.T.), Genentech, Inc., South San Francisco, California 94080


The Endocrine Society



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