Growth Hormone Treatment for Non-GHD Disorders: Excitement Tempered by Biology


Grimberg Adda12ORCID,Hawkes Colin P1234ORCID


1. Division of Endocrinology and Diabetes, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia , Philadelphia, PA 19104 , USA

2. Department of Pediatrics, Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania , Philadelphia, PA 19104 , USA

3. INFANT Research Centre, University College Cork , Cork T12 DC4A , Ireland

4. Department of Paediatrics and Child Health, University College Cork , Cork T12 R229 , Ireland


Abstract The success of growth hormone (GH) replacement in children with classical GH deficiency has led to excitement that other causes of short stature may benefit similarly. However, clinical experience has shown less consistent and generally less dramatic effects on adult height, perhaps not surprising in light of increased understanding of GH and growth plate biology. Nonetheless, clinical demand for GH treatment continues to grow. Upon the 20th anniversary of the US Food and Drug Administration's approval of GH treatment for idiopathic short stature, this review will consider the factors underlying the expansion of GH treatment, the biological mechanisms of GH action, the non-GH–deficient uses of GH as a height-promoting agent, biological constraints to GH action, and future directions.




The Endocrine Society


Biochemistry (medical),Clinical Biochemistry,Endocrinology,Biochemistry,Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism

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