Population prevalence determined by environmental factors as additional burden on the public healthcare and a factor causing economic losses in regions


Zaitseva Nina V.1ORCID,May Irina V.1ORCID,Kiryanov Dmitry A.1ORCID


1. Federal Scientific Center for Medical and Preventive Health Risk Management Technologies of the Federal Service for Surveillance over Consumer Rights Protection and Human Wellbeing


Introduction. Regions where both ecological and sanitary-hygienic situation is unfavorable tend to have growing incidence and more frequent applications for medical aid by population in Russia and worldwide as well. The purpose of this study was to assess population incidence in different regions in the country associated with poor quality of the environment as a factor creating additional burden on public healthcare institutions in a given region and probable economic losses in it. Materials and methods. We applied data of state medical and sanitary-hygienic statistics over 2013–2021. Medical and demographic losses associated with exposure to harmful environmental factors were quantified using step-by-step regression analysis modified by enumeration of functions for independent variables. Economic losses were estimated for diseases and deaths among population involved in producing gross regional product. Results. We were able to obtain more than one hundred authentic models that provided a quantitative association between population prevalence and violations of hygienic standards regulating quality of the environment. We established that between 2.9 and 5.8 million diseases associated with environmental factors were annually detected in the country over the last 10 years. Burden on regional healthcare systems grew in regions with obviously high levels of pollution in ambient air and drinking water; this gain grows up to 12.55%. In 2021, losses of gross regional products due to diseases and deaths caused by violations of hygienic standards regulating quality of the environment exceeded 170.6 billion rubles. Limitations of the study. A set of factors included into modeling can be considered a certain limitation of the present study. Conclusion. It seems quite relevant to coordinate efforts by different ministries and departments in the sphere of public health protection in Russia. It is also advisable to consider a peculiar sanitary-hygienic situation in a given region when calculating scopes of necessary funding for a regional healthcare system. Development of public-private partnerships seems another vital trend in health protection within efforts aimed at reducing impacts on the environment and implementing medical and prevention programs for population.


Federal Scientific Center for Hygiene F.F.Erisman


Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health,Health Policy

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