Snow cover‐related camouflage mismatch increases detection by predators


Otte Pieter J.1ORCID,Cromsigt Joris P. G. M.23,Smit Christian1,Hofmeester Tim R.2


1. Conservation Ecology Group, Groningen Institute for Evolutionary Life Sciences University of Groningen Groningen The Netherlands

2. Department of Wildlife, Fish, and Environmental Studies Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Umeå Sweden

3. Department of Zoology, Centre for African Conservation Ecology Nelson Mandela University Gqeberha South Africa


AbstractCamouflage expressed by animals is an adaptation to local environments that certain animals express to maximize survival and fitness. Animals at higher latitudes change their coat color according to a seasonally changing environment, expressing a white coat in winter and a darker coat in summer. The timing of molting is tightly linked to the appearance and disappearance of snow and is mainly regulated by photoperiod. However, due to climate change, an increasing mismatch is observed between the coat color of these species and their environment. Here, we conducted an experiment in northern Sweden, with white and brown decoys to study how camouflage (mis)‐match influenced (1) predator attraction to decoys, and (2) predation events. Using camera trap data, we showed that mismatching decoys attracted more predators and experienced a higher likelihood of predation events in comparison to matching decoys, suggesting that camouflage mismatched animals experience increased detection by predators. These results provide insight into the function of a seasonal color coat and the need for this adaptation to maximize fitness in an environment that is exposed to high seasonality. Thus, our results suggest that, with increasing climate change and reduced snow cover, animals expressing a seasonal color coat will experience a decrease in survival.




Genetics,Molecular Biology,Animal Science and Zoology,Physiology,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics







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