Emerging roles of circular RNAs in the invasion and metastasis of head and neck cancer: Possible functions and mechanisms


Tang Shouyi1,Cai Luyao1,Wang Zhen1,Pan Dan1,Wang Qing1,Shen Yingqiang1ORCID,Zhou Yu12,Chen Qianming1


1. State Key Laboratory of Oral Diseases, National Clinical Research Center for Oral Diseases, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences Research Unit of Oral Carcinogenesis and Management, West China Hospital of Stomatology Sichuan University Chengdu China

2. State Institute of Drug/Medical Device Clinical Trial West China Hospital of Stomatology Chengdu China


AbstractHead and neck cancer (HNC) is the seventh most prevalent malignancy worldwide in 2020. Cancer metastasis is the main cause of poor prognosis in HNC patients. Recently, circular RNAs (circRNAs), initially thought to have no biological function, are attracting increasing attention, and their crucial roles in mediating HNC metastasis are being extensively investigated. Existing studies have shown that circRNAs primarily function through miRNA sponges, transcriptional regulation, interacting with RNA‐binding proteins (RBPs) and as translation templates. Among these functions, the function of miRNA sponge is the most prominent. In this review, we summarized the reported circRNAs involved in HNC metastasis, aiming to elucidate the regulatory relationship between circRNAs and HNC metastasis. Furthermore, we summarized the latest advances in the epidemiological information of HNC metastasis and the tumor metastasis theories, the biogenesis, characterization and functional mechanisms of circRNAs, and their potential clinical applications. Although the research on circRNAs is still in its infancy, circRNAs are expected to serve as prognostic markers and effective therapeutic targets to inhibit HNC metastasis and significantly improve the prognosis of HNC patients.


National Natural Science Foundation of China

China Postdoctoral Science Foundation




Pharmacology (medical),Cancer Research,Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous),Drug Discovery,Oncology








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