High frequency of BRAF V600E mutations in ameloblastoma


Kurppa Kari J12,Catón Javier3,Morgan Peter R3,Ristimäki Ari4,Ruhin Blandine5,Kellokoski Jari6,Elenius Klaus17,Heikinheimo Kristiina8


1. Department of Medical Biochemistry and Genetics and MediCity Research Laboratories University of Turku Finland

2. Turku Doctoral Programme of Molecular Medicine Turku Finland

3. Division of Clinical and Diagnostic Sciences KCL Dental Institute, King's College London UK

4. Division of Pathology and Genetics, HUSLAB, Helsinki University Central Hospital, and Department of Pathology, Haartman Institute and Genome‐Scale Biology, Research Programs Unit University of Helsinki Finland

5. Assistance Publique‐Hôpitaux de Paris, Maxillofacial and Stomatology Department, Pitié‐Salpêtrière Hospital, and Molecular Oral Pathophysiology INSERM UMRS 872, Cordeliers Biomedical Institute, Paris 7 University France

6. Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Institute of Dentistry University of Eastern Finland, and Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Diseases, Kuopio University Hospital Finland

7. Department of Oncology Turku University Hospital Finland

8. Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Institute of Dentistry, University of Turku and Turku University Hospital, Turku, and Department of Oral Diagnostic Sciences, Institute of Dentistry University of Eastern Finland Kuopio Finland


Finnish Cancer Organizations

Maritza and Reino Salonen Foundation

Sigrid Jus�lius Foundation

the Academy of Finland

The French Ministry of Health

Turku University Central Hospital




Pathology and Forensic Medicine

Reference25 articles.

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4. Immunohistochemical investigation of epidermal growth factor receptor expression in ameloblastomas








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