A Spiky Silver‐Iron Oxide Nanoparticle for Highly Efficient Targeted Photothermal Therapy and Multimodal Imaging of Thrombosis


Vazquez‐Prada Karla X.12,Moonshi Shehzahdi S.1,Wu Yuao1,Akther Fahima12,Tse Brian W.C.3,Sokolowski Kamil A.3,Peter Karlheinz45,Wang Xiaowei4,Xu Gordon2,Ta Hang Thu126ORCID


1. Queensland Micro‐ and Nanotechnology Griffith University Nathan Queensland 4111 Australia

2. Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology the University of Queensland St Lucia Queensland 4072 Australia

3. Translational Research Institute Woolloongabba Queensland 4102 Australia

4. Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute Melbourne Victoria 3004 Australia

5. Department of Medicine Monash University 27 Rainforest Walk Clayton VIC 3800 Australia

6. School of Environment and Science Griffith University Nathan Queensland 4111 Australia


AbstractThrombosis and its complications are responsible for 30% of annual deaths. Limitations of methods for diagnosing and treating thrombosis highlight the need for improvements. Agents that provide simultaneous diagnostic and therapeutic activities (theranostics) are paramount for an accurate diagnosis and rapid treatment. In this study, silver‐iron oxide nanoparticles (AgIONPs) are developed for highly efficient targeted photothermal therapy and imaging of thrombosis. Small iron oxide nanoparticles are employed as seeding agents for the generation of a new class of spiky silver nanoparticles with strong absorbance in the near‐infrared range. The AgIONPs are biofunctionalized with binding ligands for targeting thrombi. Photoacoustic and fluorescence imaging demonstrate the highly specific binding of AgIONPs to the thrombus when functionalized with a single chain antibody targeting activated platelets. Photothermal thrombolysis in vivo shows an increase in the temperature of thrombi and a full restoration of blood flow for targeted group but not in the non‐targeted group. Thrombolysis from targeted groups is significantly improved (p < 0.0001) in comparison to the standard thrombolytic used in the clinic. Assays show no apparent side effects of AgIONPs. Altogether, this work suggests that AgIONPs are potential theranostic agents for thrombosis.


National Health and Medical Research Council

University of Queensland

National Imaging Facility




Biomaterials,Biotechnology,General Materials Science,General Chemistry

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