Reflux after oesophagectomy


Aly A1,Jamieson G G1


1. University of Adelaide Department of Surgery, Royal Adelaide Hospital, Adelaide, Australia


Abstract Background Reflux of gastric and duodenal content after oesophagectomy with gastric conduit reconstruction is a common problem and largely considered an inevitable consequence of surgery. Cervical burning and regurgitation, often more pronounced when supine, can be troublesome and even disabling, interfering substantially with quality of life. The aim of this study was to identify the factors contributing to reflux after oesophagectomy and evaluate measures to prevent or control it. Methods A Medline search using the terms ‘gastro-oesophageal reflux’, ‘oesophagectomy’ and ‘antireflux surgery’ was conducted. Additional references and search pathways were sourced from the bibliographies of articles located. Results and conclusion Reflux after oesophagectomy is a significant problem, with both clinical and pathological consequences. Simple measures to facilitate gastric emptying, such as creating a gastric tube, performing a pyloric drainage procedure and using gastric motility agents, may produce a reduction in symptoms but do not alone control reflux itself. A variety of surgical reconstructions have been used, many of which are either difficult to fashion or not suitable when a radical resection has been performed. A modified fundoplication at the anastomosis seems to be the simplest technique and may be relatively effective in controlling symptoms. The impact of strategies to reduce reflux on quality of life and on pathological sequelae of reflux in the oesophageal remnant remains to be evaluated.


Oxford University Press (OUP)



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