Remapping Wetness Perception in Upper Limb Amputees


Ploumitsakou Maria12,Muheim Jonathan1,Felouzis Amanda1,Carbonell Muñoz Nerea‐Isabel1,Iberite Francesco3,Akouissi Outman14,Morosato Federico5,Gruppioni Emanuele5,Filingeri Davide6,Micera Silvestro13,Shokur Solaiman13ORCID


1. Bertarelli Foundation Chair in Translational Neural Engineering Neuro‐X Institute École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne Lausanne 1015 Switzerland

2. Laboratory for Behavioral Neurology and Imaging of Cognition Department of Fundamental Neuroscience University of Geneva Geneva 1202 Switzerland

3. The BioRobotics Institute, Health Interdisciplinary Center Department of Excellent in Robotics and AI Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna Pisa 56127 Italy

4. Foundation Bertarelli Chair in Neuroprosthetic Technology Neuro‐X Institute École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne Lausanne 1015 Switzerland

5. Centro Protesi INAIL Vigorso di Budrio 40054 Italy

6. THERMOSENSELAB Skin Sensing Research Group School of Health Sciences The University of Southampton Southampton SO16 6YD UK


Recent research has made remarkable strides in restoring sensory feedback for prosthetic users, including tactile, proprioceptive, and thermal feedback. Herein, a sensory modality that has been largely neglected is explored: the ability to perceive wetness. Providing moisture‐related information to prosthesis users can increase their overall sensory palette toward a more natural sensory experience. A rapid decrease in skin temperature is found to trigger the illusion of contact with something wet. Two body parts were tested, the upper arm and the lateral abdomen, in a group of non amputated participants, and it was found that a wetness sensation can be elicited and maintained for at least 10 s in 86% and 93% of participants, respectively. It is then demonstrated how to mediate the wetness sensation in real‐time using a thermal wearable device that mimics the thermal properties of the skin. Finally, two upper limb amputee individuals used their prosthetic arm, sensorized with the device, to discriminate between three levels of moisture; their detection accuracy was similar to one they had with their intact hands. The current study is a stepping stone for future prostheses aimed at restoring the richness of sensory experience in upper limb amputees.


H2020 European Research Council




General Medicine







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