Carcinoid tumours of the appendix in children 1957–1986: Incidence, treatment and outcome


Parkes S E1,Muir K R1,Al Sheyyab M2,Cameron A H1,Pincott J R3,Raafat F4,Mann J R2


1. West Midlands Regional Children's Tumour Research Group, Birmingham, UK

2. Department of Oncology, Children's Hospital, Birmingham, UK

3. Pfizer Central Research, Sandwich, Kent, UK

4. Department of Histopathology, Children's Hospital, Birmingham, UK


Abstract Forty carcinoid tumours of the appendix were identified in children under 15 years of age between 1957 and 1986 from the records of the West Midlands Regional Children's Tumour Research Group. A significant excess of girls was observed (P = 0.02). All tumours were discovered incidentally and two patients underwent further surgery. Twenty-two of the 29 confirmed locations (76 per cent) were at the tip of the appendix and 34 of the 40 tumours (85 per cent) had invaded beyond the appendiceal submucosa. The reported incidence rate of 1.14 per million children per year remained constant throughout the study period. No recurrences, metastases or deaths from tumour were detected. Appendicectomy alone is confirmed as usually curative, although right hemicolectomy is occasionally necessary. Caution during routine appendicectomy is recommended to avoid possible tumour damage, as is consistent histological examination of all appendices in the paediatric age group. The importance of long-term follow-up is emphasized.


Oxford University Press (OUP)



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4. Carcinoid tumors of the vermiform appendix;Moertel;Cancer,1968

5. Carcinoid tumor of the appendix: treatment and prognosis;Moertel;N Engl J Med,1987







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