Pediatric airway tumors: A report from the International Network of Pediatric Airway Teams (INPAT)


Pio Luca1ORCID,Varela Patricio2,Eliott Martin J.3,Couloigner Vincent4ORCID,Guillén Burrieza Gabriela5ORCID,Paraboschi Irene6,Virgone Calogero7,Maunsell Rebecca8,Rachkov Victor9,Rutter Michael J.10,Boglione Mariano11,Penchyna Grub Jaime12,Bellía Munzón Gastón13,Sarnacki Sabine1,Irtan Sabine14,Schweiger Claudia10,Larroquet Michèle14,Khen Dunlop Naziha1,Ramaswamy Madhavan3,Pistorio Angela15,Cecchetto Giovanni7,Ferrari Andrea16,Bisogno Gianni17,Torre Michele18


1. Department of Pediatric SurgeryNecker Enfants‐Malades Hospital‐Université Paris Descartes, Sorbonne Paris Cité Paris France

2. Department of Pediatric Surgery, Clinica Las Condes Medical CenterHospital de Niños Calvo Mackenna, University of Chile Santiago Chile

3. Tracheal TeamGreat Ormond Street Children's Hospital London United Kingdom

4. Pediatric Ear, Nose, and Throat DepartmentNecker Hospital for Sick Children, Public Assistance‐Hospitals of Paris Paris France

5. Pediatric Surgery DepartmentHospital Vall d'Hebron Barcelona Spain

6. DINOGMI University of Genoa Genoa Italy

7. Pediatric Surgery, Department of Women's and Children's HealthUniversity of Padua Padua Italy

8. Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck SurgeryUniversity of Campinas Campinas, São Paulo Brazil

9. Chair of Pediatric Surgery of N.I. Pirogov Russian Research Medical UniversityDmitry Rogachev Federal Research Center of Pediatric Hematology, Oncology and Immunology; ZAO European Medical Center Moscow Russia

10. Division of Pediatric Otolaryngology‐Head and Neck SurgeryCincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center Cincinnati Ohio U.S.A

11. Department of General SurgeryHospital de Pediatría “Prof. Dr. Juan P. Garrahan” Pichincha 1850 Ciudad De Buenos Aires

12. Department of Thoracic Surgery and EndoscopyHospital Infantil de México Federico Gómez Mexico

13. Department of Surgery, Fundación HospitalariaPrivate Children's Hospital, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires Buenos Aires Argentina

14. Department of SurgeryHôpital Trousseau‐Hôpitaux Universitaires de l'Est Parisien (AP‐HP), Université Pierre et Marie Curie Paris France

15. Epidemiology, and Biostatistics Unit Genoa Italy

16. Pediatric Oncology UnitFondazione IRCCS Istituto Nazionale Tumori Milan Italy

17. Pediatric Hematology and Oncology DivisionUniversity of Padua Padua Italy

18. Airway Unit, IRCCS Istituto Giannina Gaslini Genoa Italy





Reference56 articles.

1. Incidence and Outcomes of Malignant Pediatric Lung Neoplasms

2. Experience in Surgical Treatment of Pulmonary and Bronchial Tumours in Childhood

3. Primary and metastatic lung tumors in the pediatric population: a review and 25‐year experience at a large children's hospital;Dishop MK;Arch Path Lab Med,2008

4. Primary tracheobronchial tumors in children

5. Primary tracheal tumours

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1. Pulmonary Manifestations of Oncologic Disease and Treatment;Pediatric Pulmonology;2023-11-17

2. Haemoptysis: is it really from the lungs? The well child who spits out blood;Archives of Disease in Childhood;2023-03-29

3. Mucoepidermoid carcinoma of the bronchus in two children: Case reports;Respiratory Medicine Case Reports;2023

4. Thoraxchirurgie bei Kindern: Lunge;Thoraxchirurgie;2023

5. Editorial: Airway Surgery in Children;Frontiers in Pediatrics;2022-03-16







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