Donor safety in living donor liver transplantation: The Korean organ transplantation registry study


Lee Jae Geun1,Lee Kwang-Woong2,Kwon Choon Hyuck David3,Chu Chong Woo4,Kim Bong-Wan5,Choi Dong Lak6,You Young Kyoung7,Kim Dong-Sik8,Nah Yang Won9,Kang Koo Jeong10,Choi In Soek11,Yu Hee Chul12,Hong Geun13,Han Ho-Seong2,Hwang Shin14,Kim Myoung Soo1


1. Department of Surgery; Yonsei University College of Medicine; Seoul South Korea

2. Department of Surgery; Seoul National University College of Medicine; Seoul South Korea

3. Department of Surgery, Samsung Medical Center; Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine; Seoul South Korea

4. Department of Surgery; Pusan National University College of Medicine; Busan South Korea

5. Department of Liver Transplantation and Hepatobiliary Surgery; Ajou University School of Medicine; Suwon South Korea

6. Department of Surgery; Catholic University of Daegu College of Medicine; Daegu South Korea

7. Department of Surgery, College of Medicine; The Catholic University of Korea; Seoul South Korea

8. Division of HBP Surgery and Liver Transplantation, Department of Surgery; Korea University College of Medicine; Seoul South Korea

9. Department of Surgery, Ulsan University Hospital; University of Ulsan College of Medicine; Ulsan South Korea

10. Department of Surgery; Keimyung University School of Medicine; Daegu South Korea

11. Department of Surgery; Konyang University Hospital; Nonsan South Korea

12. Department of Surgery; Chonbuk National University School of Medicine; Jeonju South Korea

13. Department of Surgery, School of Medicine; Ewha Womans University; Seoul South Korea

14. Department of Surgery; College of Medicine University of Ulsan, Asan Medical Center; Seoul South Korea


Research of Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention





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1. Living Donor Liver Transplantation;Surgical Clinics of North America;2024-02

2. Transplant oncology – Current indications and strategies to advance the field;JHEP Reports;2024-02

3. Living donor liver transplantation: the donor;Living Donor Organ Transplantation;2024

4. Kidney transplantation: the recipient;Living Donor Organ Transplantation;2024

5. Safety of living donors in liver transplantation in a low volume center;Annals of Liver Transplantation;2023-11-27







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