Monitoring Wound Healing with Topically Applied Optical NanoFlare mRNA Nanosensors


Hwang Jangsun12,Seo Youngmin34,Jeong Daun2,Ning Xiaoyu15,Wiraja Christian1,Yang Lixia1,Tan Chew Teng6,Lee Jinhyuck2,Kim Yesol7,Kim Ji Won7,Kim Dai Hyun8,Choi Jonghoon7,Lim Chin Yan69,Pu Kanyi1,Jang Woo Young2,Xu Chenjie10ORCID


1. School of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering Nanyang Technological University 62 Nanyang Drive Singapore 637457 Singapore

2. Department of Orthopedic Surgery College of Medicine Korea University 73 Korea‐ro, Seongbuk‐gu Seoul 02841 Republic of Korea

3. School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Yonsei University 50 Yonsei‐ro, Seodaemun‐gu Seoul 03722 Republic of Korea

4. Department of Research & Development OID Ltd 249‐2, 123 Osongsaengmyeong‐ro, Osong‐eup, Heungdeok‐gu, Cheongju‐si Chungcheongbuk‐do 28160 Republic of Korea

5. NTU Institute for Health Technologies Interdisciplinary Graduate School Nanyang Technological University 61 Nanyang Drive Singapore 637335 Singapore

6. A*STAR Skin Research Labs Agency for Science Technology and Research 8A Biomedical Grove Singapore 138648 Singapore

7. School of Integrative Engineering Chung‐Ang University 84, Heukseok‐ro, Dongjak‐gu Seoul 06974 Republic of Korea

8. Department of Dermatology College of Medicine Korea University 73 Korea‐ro, Seongbuk‐gu Seoul 02841 Republic of Korea

9. Department of Biochemistry Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine National University of Singapore MD 7, 8 Medical Drive Singapore 117596 Singapore

10. Department of Biomedical Engineering City University of Hong Kong 83 Tat Chee Avenue Kowloon Hong Kong SAR China


City University of Hong Kong




General Physics and Astronomy,General Engineering,Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous),General Materials Science,General Chemical Engineering,Medicine (miscellaneous)







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