Exploring Australian university students' and staff members' perspectives on an animal‐assisted intervention as a health promotion initiative on campus


Cooke Emily1ORCID,Henderson‐Wilson Claire1,Warner Elyse1,LaMontagne Anthony D.1


1. Faculty of Health, School of Health and Social Development Deakin University Melbourne Victoria Australia


AbstractIssue AddressedThe university campus environment is unique and complex, with students and staff members experiencing increasing levels of stress and anxiety over time. One intervention being used internationally to alleviate stress and anxiety is an Animal Assisted Intervention (AAI). This research aimed to explore Australian university students' and staff members' perspectives on an AAI prior to implementation.MethodsThis study used an explanatory mixed methods approach. Student participants were recruited through posts on a university's subject sites and via social media. University staff member participants were recruited through emails from managers or department newsletters. Data were collected through an online anonymous survey and subsequent semi‐structured interviews. Quantitative data were analysed with SPSS and qualitative data were analysed via thematic analysis.ResultsData included 344 survey responses and 45 semi‐structured interviews. Survey responses indicated a large majority of participants believe an AAI could promote health on campus. This was due to the range of benefits participants felt an AAI could have on campus (such as reducing stress and anxiety, providing opportunities for a break from work or study, social benefits, and enhancing the university environment). In interviews, participants suggested an AAI could contribute towards a positive university environment and help promote other services on campus; provided it considers those not interested in participating.So What?If implemented sustainably, an AAI has potential to contribute towards a positive university environment for both staff and students, by potentially reducing the high rates of stress and anxiety the university community are currently experiencing. An AAI could also help to raise awareness of other health services on campus, further contributing towards promoting positive mental health and wellbeing.




Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health,Community and Home Care

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