D-cycloserine-augmented one-session treatment of specific phobias in children and adolescents


Farrell Lara J.1ORCID,Waters Allison M.2,Oar Ella L.1,Tiralongo Evelin3,Garbharran Vinay4,Alston-Knox Clair5,McConnell Harry6,Collings Nigel7,Zimmer-Gembeck Melanie1,Donovan Caroline L.2,Testa Chris8,Storch Eric A.91011,Ollendick Thomas H.12


1. School of Applied Psychology and Menzies Health Institute QLD; Griffith University; Southport Qld Australia

2. School of Applied Psychology and Menzies Health Institute QLD; Griffith University; Mt Gravatt Qld Australia

3. School of Pharmacy and Menzies Health Institute QLD; Griffith University; Southport Qld Australia

4. Child and Youth Mental Health Services, Queensland Health; Southport Qld Australia

5. Griffith Social and Behavioural Research College; Griffith University; Southport Qld Australia

6. School of Medicine and Menzies Health Institute QLD; Griffith University; Southport Qld Australia

7. Menzies Health Institute QLD; Griffith University; Southport Qld Australia

8. Tugun Compounding Pharmacy; Tugun Gold Coast Qld Australia

9. Departments of Pediatrics Psychiatry, and Psychology; University of South Florida; Tampa Florida

10. Rogers Behavioral Health - Tampa Bay; Tampa Florida

11. All Children's Hospital - Johns Hopkins Medicine; St. Petersburg Florida

12. Department of Psychology; Child Study Centre; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Blacksburg Virginia


Griffith University

Menzies Health Institute of QLD, Areas of Strategic Investment Funding




Behavioral Neuroscience

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