Secretome proteins as candidate biomarkers for aggressive thyroid carcinomas


Chaker Seham12,Kashat Lawrence1,Voisin Sebastien3,Kaur Jatinder1,Kak Ipshita1,MacMillan Christina4,Ozcelik Hilmi5,Michael Siu K. W.3,Ralhan Ranju12467,Walfish Paul G.12468


1. Alex and Simona Shnaider Laboratory in Molecular Oncology; Samuel Lunenfeld Research Institute; Mount Sinai Hospital; Toronto ON Canada

2. Institute of Medical Science; University of Toronto; Toronto ON Canada

3. Department of Chemistry and Centre for Research in Mass Spectrometry; York University; Toronto ON Canada

4. Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine; Mount Sinai Hospital; Toronto ON Canada

5. Samuel Lunenfeld Research Institute; Mount Sinai Hospital L6-303; Toronto ON Canada

6. Joseph and Mildred Sonshine Family Centre for Head and Neck Diseases; Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery Program; Mount Sinai Hospital; Toronto ON Canada

7. Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery; University of Toronto; Toronto ON Canada

8. Department of Medicine; Endocrine Division; Mount Sinai Hospital and University of Toronto Medical School; Toronto ON Canada. Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery; University of Toronto; Toronto ON Canada


Mount Sinai Foundation of Toronto

Da Vinci Gala Fundraiser

Alex and Simona Shnaider Chair in Thyroid Cancer

Canadian Institutes of Health Research

Advanced Cancer Diagnostics

George Knudson Oakdale Golf Fund Raiser

Mount Sinai Hospital Department of Medicine Research Fund




Molecular Biology,Biochemistry

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