Operating Theater Nurses’ Main Concerns During Organ Procurement Procedures: A Grounded Theory Study


Andersson Linda,Forsberg Anna


ABSTRACTThe purpose of this study was to explore the experiences of perioperative nurses in Sweden (ie, operating theater nurses) associated with caring for a donor patient during organ procurement procedures. We sought to determine the nurses’ main concerns and how they dealt with them. Using constructivist grounded theory methodology, our participant sample included 10 nurses, one of whom self‐identified as male. The average age of the participants was 51.8 years (range = 38 to 63 years). After interviewing the participants and coding their responses, we developed the core category of optimum organ procurement. The generated grounded theory comprises four main categories: brace oneself, facilitate, procurement, and completion. Commitment is the force that binds the perioperative nurse to a course of action. This theory may help guide a team‐based approach to prepare nurses to care for donor patients with dignity and respect during procurement procedures.




Medical–Surgical Nursing

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