Open questions on lower urinary tract infections: Results of a Delphi consensus study


Iacovelli Valerio1ORCID,Ficarra Vincenzo2,Maestroni Umberto Vittorio3,Tutolo Manuela4ORCID,Finazzi Agrò Enrico5ORCID


1. Urology Unit San Carlo di Nancy General Hospital – GVM Care and Research Rome Italy

2. Gaetano Barresi Department of Human and Paediatric Pathology, Urologic Section University of Messina Messina Italy

3. Division of Urology, Prostate Cancer Unit Azienda Ospedaliero‐Universitaria of Parma Parma Italy

4. Division of Oncology, Unit of Urology, Urological Research Institute IRCCS Ospedale San Raffaele Milan Italy

5. Department of Surgical Sciences, Urology Unit University of Rome Tor Vergata Rome Italy


AbstractBackground and ObjectiveThis is a Delphi study that aims to explore expert consensus regarding open questions in current literature evidence on lower urinary tract infections (UTIs). This manuscript deals with adults and analyzed the most recent guidelines and meta‐analysis on the topic.MethodsA panel of leading urologists and urogynaecologists participated in a consensus‐forming project using a Delphi method to reach consensus on gray zone issues on recurrent lower UTIns (rUTIs), asymptomatic bacteriuria (AB) in pregnant women, and catheter‐associated UTIs (CAUTI) in adults. All the panelists were invited to participate the four phases consensus. Consensus was defined as ≥75% agreement. An ordinal scale (0–10) was used. A systematic literature review was analyzed for diagnostic workup and prevention of rUTIs, AB, and CAUTI.ResultsIn total, 37 experts participated. All panelists participated in the four phases of the consensus process. Consensus was reached if ≥75% of the experts agreed on the proposed topic. Online meetings and a face‐to‐face consensus meeting was held in Milan in March 2023. Formal consensus was achieved for 12/13 items.ConclusionsThis manuscript is a Delphi survey of experts that showed interest on some debated points on rUTIs, AB in pregnancy, and prevention of CAUTI. There is still little data on nonantibiotic prevention of UTIs and CAUTI; quite old studies have been reported on AB in pregnancy. The emerging problem of antibiotic resistance is relevant and nonantibiotic prophylaxis may play a role in its prevention.




Urology,Neurology (clinical)

Reference36 articles.

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