Frailty as determined by a comprehensive geriatric assessment-derived deficit-accumulation index in older patients with cancer who receive chemotherapy


Cohen Harvey Jay1,Smith David2,Sun Can-Lan3,Tew William4,Mohile Supriya G.5,Owusu Cynthia6,Klepin Heidi D.7,Gross Cary P.8,Lichtman Stuart M.4,Gajra Ajeet910,Filo Julie3,Katheria Vani3,Hurria Arti3,


1. Center for the Study of Aging and Human Development; Duke University Medical Center; Durham North Carolina

2. QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute, Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital; Brisbane City Queensland Australia

3. City of Hope Comprehensive Cancer Center and Beckman Research Institute; Duarte California

4. Department of Medicine; Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center; New York New York

5. Department of Medicine; University of Rochester Medical Center; Rochester New York

6. University Hospitals Seidman Cancer Center; Case Western Reserve University; Cleveland Ohio

7. Wake Forest Baptist Comprehensive Cancer Center; Winston-Salem North Carolina

8. Department of Internal Medicine; Yale School of Medicine; New Haven Connecticut

9. Department of Medicine; State University of New York Upstate Medical University; Syracuse New York

10. Veterans Administration Medical Center; Syracuse New York


National Institutes of Health/National Cancer Institute Cancer Center

Survey Research Core from the National Cancer Institute of the National Institutes of Health

National Institutes of Health to A.H

American Society of Clinical Oncology to A.H

National Institute on Aging at the National Institutes of Health to H.J.C.




Cancer Research,Oncology

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