Speech and language therapy for aphasia following stroke


Brady Marian C1,Kelly Helen23,Godwin Jon4,Enderby Pam5,Campbell Pauline1


1. Glasgow Caledonian University; Nursing, Midwifery and Allied Health Professions Research Unit; 6th Floor Govan Mbeki Building Cowcaddens Road Glasgow UK G4 0BA

2. University of Stirling; Nursing, Midwifery and Allied Health Professions Research Unit; Stirling UK

3. University College Cork; Speech and Hearing Sciences; Cork Ireland

4. Glasgow Caledonian University; Institutes for Applied Health and Society and Social Justice Research; Buchanan House, Level 3, Cowcaddens Road Glasgow UK G4 0BA

5. University of Sheffield; School of Health and Related Research; The Innovation Centre 217 Portobello Sheffield UK S1 4DP




Pharmacology (medical)

Reference380 articles.

1. Bowen A Assessing the effectiveness of communication therapy in the North West - ACTNoW study http://www.controlled-trials.com/mrct/ukctrsearch.html

2. Bowen A Patchick E Assessing the effectiveness of communication therapy in the North West - the ACT NoW study: a work in progress. [Abstract OG01] Proceedings of the 4th UK Stroke Forum Conference 1-3 December 2009, SECC, Glasgow, UK Wiley-Blackwell 2009

3. Attention control within the ACTNoW randomized controlled trial: getting it right?;Patchick;Clinical Rehabilitation,2010

4. The ACTNoW qualitative study: exploring the perspectives of people with aphasia or dysarthria who participated in the randomised controlled trial (RCT). [Abstract 114];Young;International Journal of Stroke,2010

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