Personalised asthma action plans for adults with asthma


Gatheral Timothy L1,Rushton Alison2,Evans David JW3,Mulvaney Caroline A3,Halcovitch Nathan R4,Whiteley Gemma5,Eccles Fiona JR6,Spencer Sally7


1. University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Foundation Trust; Respiratory Medicine; Lancaster UK

2. Lancashire Care NHS Foundation Trust; Education, Training and Professional Development, Nursing & Quality Directorate; Preston UK

3. Lancaster University; Lancaster Health Hub; Lancaster UK LA1 4YG

4. Lancaster University; Department of Chemistry; Lancaster UK

5. Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Royal Preston Hospital; Research and Innovation; Preston UK

6. Lancaster University; Division of Health Research; Lancaster UK

7. Edge Hill University; Postgraduate Medical Institute; St Helens Road Ormskirk Lancashire UK L39 4QP




Pharmacology (medical)

Reference138 articles.

1. A controlled assessment of an asthma self-management plan involving a budesonide dose regimen. OPTIONS Research Group;Ayres;European Respiratory Journal,1996

2. Outcome of asthmatics attending asthma clinics using self management plans in general practice;Baldwin;Australian and New Zealand Journal of Medicine,1995

3. Outcome of asthmatics attending asthma clinics utilising self-management plans in general practice;Baldwin;Asthma in General Practice,1997

4. Improving asthma symptom control in rural communities: the design of the Better Respiratory Education and Asthma Treatment in Hinton and Edson study;Charrois;Controlled Clinical Trials,2004

5. Improving asthma control in the rural setting: the BREATHE (Better Respiratory Education and Asthma Treatment in Hinton and Edson) study;Charrois;Canadian Pharmacists Journal,2006

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