Pharmacological treatments in panic disorder in adults: a network meta-analysis


Guaiana Giuseppe1,Meader Nicholas23,Barbui Corrado45,Davies Simon JC6,Furukawa Toshi A7,Imai Hissei7,Dias Sofia2,Caldwell Deborah M8,Koesters Markus9,Tajika Aran10,Bighelli Irene11,Pompoli Alessandro12,Cipriani Andrea131415,Dawson Sarah8,Robertson Lindsay16


1. Department of Psychiatry; Western University; St Thomas Canada

2. Centre for Reviews and Dissemination; University of York; York UK

3. Cochrane Common Mental Disorders; University of York; York UK

4. Department of Neurosciences, Biomedicine and Movement Sciences, Section of Psychiatry; University of Verona; Verona Italy

5. Cochrane Global Mental Health; University of Verona; Verona Italy

6. Geriatric Psychiatry Division, CAMH; University of Toronto; Toronto Canada

7. Department of Health Promotion and Human Behavior; Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine/School of Public Health; Kyoto Japan

8. Population Health Sciences, Bristol Medical School; University of Bristol; Bristol UK

9. Center for Evidence-Based Healthcare; University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus and Carl Gustav Carus Faculty of Medicine, Technische Universität Dresden; Chemnitz Germany

10. Department of Psychiatry; Kyoto University Hospital; Kyoto Japan

11. Klinik und Poliklinik für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie; Technische Universität München Klinikum rechts der Isar; München Germany

12. Private practice, no academic affiliations; Malcesine Italy

13. Department of Psychiatry; University of Oxford; Oxford UK

14. Warneford Hospital; Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust; Oxford UK

15. Oxford Precision Psychiatry Lab; Oxford Health Biomedical Research Centre; Oxford UK

16. Newcastle upon Tyne UK




Pharmacology (medical)

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