Physical interventions to interrupt or reduce the spread of respiratory viruses


Jefferson Tom1,Del Mar Chris B2,Dooley Liz2,Ferroni Eliana3,Al-Ansary Lubna A4,Bawazeer Ghada A5,van Driel Mieke L67,Jones Mark A2,Thorning Sarah8,Beller Elaine M2,Clark Justin2,Hoffmann Tammy C2,Glasziou Paul P2,Conly John M91011


1. Centre for Evidence Based Medicine; University of Oxford; Oxford UK

2. Institute for Evidence-Based Healthcare; Bond University; Gold Coast Australia

3. Epidemiological System of the Veneto Region; Regional Center for Epidemiology, Veneto Region; Padova Italy

4. Department of Family and Community Medicine; King Saud University; Riyadh Saudi Arabia

5. Department of Clinical Pharmacy, College of Pharmacy; King Saud University; Riyadh Saudi Arabia

6. Primary Care Clinical Unit, Faculty of Medicine; The University of Queensland; Brisbane Australia

7. Department of Public Health and Primary Care; Ghent University; Ghent Belgium

8. GCUH Library; Gold Coast Hospital and Health Service; Southport Australia

9. Cumming School of Medicine, University of Calgary; Room AGW5, SSB, Foothills Medical Centre; Calgary Canada

10. O’Brien Institute for Public Health and Synder Institute for Chronic Diseases; Cumming School of Medicine, University of Calgary; Calgary Canada

11. Calgary Zone; Alberta Health Services; Calgary Canada




Pharmacology (medical)

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5. Impact of a comprehensive workplace hand hygiene program on employer health care insurance claims and costs, absenteeism, and employee perceptions and practices;Moore-Schiltz;Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine,2016







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