Exercise training for adults undergoing maintenance dialysis


Bernier-Jean Amelie12,Beruni Nadim A3,Bondonno Nicola P45,Williams Gabrielle2,Teixeira-Pinto Armando6,Craig Jonathan C78,Wong Germaine2


1. School of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine and Health; The University of Sydney; Sydney Australia

2. Centre for Kidney Research; The Children's Hospital at Westmead; Westmead Australia

3. Resident Support Unit; Western Sydney Local Health District; Westmead Australia

4. School of Biomedical Sciences; The University of Western Australia, Royal Perth Hospital; Perth Australia

5. School of Medical and Health Sciences; Edith Cowan University; Perth Australia

6. Sydney School of Public Health; The University of Sydney; Sydney Australia

7. College of Medicine and Public Health; Flinders University; Adelaide Australia

8. Cochrane Kidney and Transplant, Centre for Kidney Research; The Children's Hospital at Westmead; Westmead Australia




Pharmacology (medical)

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