Audit and feedback: effects on professional practice and healthcare outcomes


Ivers Noah1,Jamtvedt Gro2,Flottorp Signe2,Young Jane M3,Odgaard-Jensen Jan2,French Simon D4,O'Brien Mary Ann5,Johansen Marit6,Grimshaw Jeremy78,Oxman Andrew D6


1. Women's College Hospital; Department of Family Medicine; 76 Grenville Street Toronto ON Canada M5S1B2

2. Norwegian Knowledge Centre for the Health Services; PO Box 7004, St. Olavs Plass Oslo Norway N-0130

3. Sydney School of Public Health, University of Sydney; Cancer Epidemiology and Services Research; Room 205, Queen Elizabeth II Research Institute (DO2) University of Sydney Camperdown Australia NSW 2006

4. University of Melbourne; Primary Care Research Unit; 200 Berkeley St Carlton VIC Australia 3010

5. University of Toronto; Department of Family and Community Medicine; 500 University Avenue Fifth Floor Toronto Ontario Canada M5G 1V7

6. Norwegian Knowledge Centre for the Health Services; Global Health Unit; P.O. Box 7004, St. Olavs plass Oslo Norway N-0130

7. Ottawa Hospital Research Institute; Clinical Epidemiology Program; 1053 Carling Avenue Ottawa ON Canada K1Y 4E9

8. University of Ottawa; Department of Medicine; Ottawa ON Canada




Pharmacology (medical)

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