Radiotherapy versus open surgery versus endolaryngeal surgery (with or without laser) for early laryngeal squamous cell cancer


Warner Laura1,Chudasama Jessal2,Kelly Charles G3,Loughran Sean4,McKenzie Kenneth5,Wight Richard6,Dey Paola7


1. North Manchester General Hospital, Pennine Acute Hospitals NHS Trust; Department of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery; Delaunays Road Manchester UK M8 5RB

2. Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Royal Preston Hospital; Preston UK

3. Newcastle General Hospital; Northern Centre for Cancer Treatment; Westgate Road Newcastle upon Tyne UK NE4 6BE

4. Manchester Royal Infirmary, Central Manchester University Hospitals Foundation Trust; Department of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery; Oxford Road Manchester UK M13 9WL

5. Glasgow Royal Infirmary; Department of ENT Surgery; Department of ENT Surgery University NHS Trust Glasgow UK G31 2ER

6. North Riding Infirmary; Department of ENT Surgery; Newport Road Middlesborough Cleveland UK T51 5JE

7. University of Central Lancashire; School of Postgraduate Medical and Dental Education; Greenbank Building Preston UK PR1 2HE




Pharmacology (medical)

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