Adapting shift work schedules for sleep quality, sleep duration, and sleepiness in shift workers


Hulsegge Gerben1,Coenen Pieter2,Gascon Gregg M34,Pahwa Manisha56,Greiner Birgit7,Bohane Ciarán8,Wong Imelda S9,Liira Juha10,Riera Rachel111213,Pachito Daniela V14


1. The Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research, TNO; Leiden Netherlands

2. Department of Public and Occupational Health, Amsterdam Public Health Research Institute, Amsterdam UMC; Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam; Amsterdam Netherlands

3. OhioHealth; Columbus Ohio USA

4. Biomedical Informatics, College of Medicine; The Ohio State University; Columbus Ohio USA

5. Occupational Cancer Research Centre; Ontario Health; Toronto Canada

6. Health Research Methods, Evidence and Impact; McMaster University; Hamilton Canada

7. School of Public Health; University College Cork; Cork Ireland

8. Medmark Occupational Healthcare; Limerick Ireland

9. Division of Science Integration; National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health; Cincinnati OH USA

10. Department of Occupational Health; University of Turku; Turku Finland

11. Cochrane Brazil Rio de Janeiro; Cochrane; Petrópolis Brazil

12. Center of Health Technology Assessment; Hospital Sírio-Libanês; São Paulo Brazil

13. Núcleo de Ensino e Pesquisa em Saúde Baseada em Evidência, Avaliação Tecnológica e Ensino em Saúde (NEP-Sbeats); Universidade Federal de São Paulo; São Paulo Brazil

14. Prossono Centro de Diagnóstico e Medicina do Sono; Ribeirão Preto; São Paulo Brazil




Pharmacology (medical)

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