Anticoagulation for people receiving long-term haemodialysis


Natale Patrizia123,Palmer Suetonia C4,Ruospo Marinella3,Longmuir Henrietta5,Dodds Benjamin5,Prasad Ritam6,Batt Tracey J7,Jose Matthew D5,Strippoli Giovanni FM138


1. Department of Precision and Regenerative Medicine and Ionian Area (DIMEPRE-J); University of Bari Aldo Moro; Bari Italy

2. Nephrology, Dialysis and Transplantation Unit, Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences; Universityof Foggia; Foggia Italy

3. Sydney School of Public Health; The University of Sydney; Sydney Australia

4. Department of Medicine; University of Otago Christchurch; Christchurch New Zealand

5. School of Medicine; University of Tasmania; Hobart Australia

6. Department of Haematology/Pathology; Royal Hobart Hospital; Hobart Australia

7. Department of Haematology; Westmead Hospital; Westmead Australia

8. Cochrane Kidney and Transplant, Centre for Kidney Research; The Children's Hospital at Westmead; Westmead Australia




Pharmacology (medical)

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